On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 8:33 PM, Gary C Martin <g...@garycmartin.com> wrote:

> ... One thing we could do
> to try to move forward on the new toolbar concept is to build svg
> icons for as many of the tabs that are already in use. We need to come
> up with clear and identifiable icon for each **before** moving forward
> (not just the few obvious common cases view/edit/image/text/format/
> colour/etc).
> Here's a quick trawl, not a full list. If we can't manage these, it
> would be unfair to expect Activity Authors to have any more success.
> Note: that some of these may need Activity specific variants, though
> we may be able to drop some if we are willing to redesign some
> Activities current UI:
> Algebra
> Audio
> Books
> Boolean
> Browse
> Chat
> Collaboration
> Comment
> Create
> Edit
> Effects
> Face
> Format
> Game
> Graph
> Help
> Image
> Learn
> Lessons
> Library
> Miscellaneous
> Montage
> Video
> Paint
> Photo
> Plain
> Play
> Project
> Read
> Robot
> Save/Load
> Shapes
> Slides
> Sort
> Tab
> Table
> Text
> Tools
> Trigonometry
> View
> Voice
> Watch

Perhaps Gaurav Bhushan could help with icons. He seems to have a knack for
expressing abstractions in icons, see

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