Hi Bryan.

I have one question about http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Karma/Bundle_layout
I'm working with our new layout ;)

until yesterday, each lesson could work independently. each lesson had their
own js files.
The beauty of that way, was that you could take a specific lesson folder and
put it everywhere and it would work.

if we want to do that with the new arrangement, it would be necessary to
The specific Lesson folder + Karma lesson bundle folder

I would suggest to merge Karma lesson bundle / js with Lesson / js. The
problem is that we will have repeated files.

also, the Main Karma Package has its own js folder ("..contain the code
common to all examples.."), I suppose it is not necessary since we have the
examples folder that will be (I suppose) a Karma Lesson bundle folder.
or maybe I'm misunderstanding things.

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