Hello, Peter,

At last the new csound-python became available and I installed it.

There is still an issue. The current log consists of:
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sugar/util.py:25: DeprecationWarning: the 
sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead

import sha

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/bin/sugar-activity", line 21, in <module>


File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sugar/activity/main.py", line 105, in 

module = __import__(module_name)

File "/home/liveuser/Activities/OurMusic.activity/ourmusic.py", line 42, in 

import csndsugui

File "/home/liveuser/Activities/OurMusic.activity/csndsugui.py", line 36, in 

import csnd

File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/csnd.py", line 25, in <module>

_csnd = swig_import_helper()

File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/csnd.py", line 17, in 

import _csnd

ImportError: No module named _csnd

You will get the same error if you run cb.py from python.

I think I see some of the cause. My /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ now 
includes: csnd.py, csnd.pyo, csnd.pyc, and _csnd.so - but _csnd.so is listed 
in red with a black background. It is indeed an empty file, unlike the 
others. (Other .so files in the same directory display content.)

(FWIW, when I try to install csound-python again, the response is that it is 
already installed - so I'm not absolutely sure the download was good. It 
seemed completely normal, however.)

Sorry to have to report this; I was so hopeful.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Robinson" <pbrobin...@gmail.com>
To: "Art Hunkins" <abhun...@uncg.edu>
Cc: "Sugar devel" <sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] amRe: [Cs-dev] Sugar on a 

> Hi Art,
> The csound-python should have gone out at the same time as the csound
> as the former is just a sub package. Going forward they will be
> updated simultaneously. Once we have the issue fixed I'll review the
> package requires on various packages to ensure its always pulled in
> where needed.
> Peter
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 2:24 AM, Art Hunkins<abhun...@uncg.edu> wrote:
>> Hello, Peter,
>> The new csound-python isn't out there yet, but I'll keep trying.
>> I presume when all is tested and working, the updated Csound and
>> csound-python should automatically be updated together. (Basically, 
>> whenever
>> csound is updated, csound-python would update as well.)
>> Am I correct?
>> Art Hunkins
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Robinson" 
>> <pbrobin...@gmail.com>
>> To: "Art Hunkins" <abhun...@uncg.edu>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:48 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] amRe: [Cs-dev] Sugar on a Stick
>> -andOLPCsound/Csound
>>> Hi Art,
>>>> Interesting result - no doubt suggestive (from terminal output):
>>>> ---> Package csound-python.i586 0:5.10.1-7.fc11 set to be updated
>>>> --> Processing Dependency: csound = 5.10.1-7.fc11 for package:
>>>> csound-python-5.10.1-7.fc11.i586
>>>> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
>>>> csound-python-5.10.1-7.fc11.i586 from updates has depsolving problems
>>>> --> Missing Dependency: csound = 5.10.1-7.fc11 is needed by package
>>>> csound-python-5.10.1-7.fc11.i586 (updates)
>>>> Error: Missing Dependency: csound = 5.10.1-7.fc11 is needed by package
>>>> csound-python-5.10.1-7.fc11.i586 (updates)
>>> Not that interesting, it looks like an out of date mirror. The -7.fc11
>>> as opposed -9.fc11 is just the build number. The later is the one that
>>> has the compile fix in it. The former the previous build of csound.
>>>> Another observation (that I meant to mention before): I have no
>>>> /usr/lib64 -
>>>> just a /usr/lib. As you may know, there are two versions of Csound, a
>>>> floats
>>>> and a doubles. The doubles version is identified generally with the 
>>>> "64"
>>>> suffix. I wonder if these two versions have gotten mixed up in
>>>> distribution
>>>> somehow? To my knowledge, only the float (32bit) version is part of
>>>> OLPCsound (and SoaS).
>>> The /usr/lib64 is if your running the 64 bit of Fedora. I run that on
>>> my main laptop. Its nothing to do with 2 different versions of csound
>>> as the 32 and 64 bits of csound are built through the same build
>>> system on Fedora so are build the same way and is of no consequence
>>> here. I have multiple 32 and 64 bit machines.
>>>> Finally, I have none of the 4 files you list in my
>>>> python2.6/site-packages
>>>> folder (maybe because of the failed csound-python install?).
>>> Yes. That's because the csound-python package isn't installed. If you
>>> try again (or a couple of times) you should get an up to date mirror
>>> and hence the right build number.
>>> Peter
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