Sorry, I was once again victim of GMail's interface and answered only
to Sebastian instead of to the list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) <>
Date: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 19:05
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] Call for Help: SoaS & Display Manager (Auto-Login)
To: Sebastian Dziallas <>


On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 19:00, Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
> Ton van Overbeek wrote:
>> Regarding getting auto-login to work after restarting X.
>> Yesterday I looked at the slim sources and it seems at first sight easy
>> to add auto login of the default user after the first login.
>> Any interest in me trying to implement this?
>> If we use an extra option to slim we could push this change upstream
>> to Fedora and then we do not have to maintain our own manager (olpc-dm).
>> But maybe Sebastian is already happy with a working olpc-dm.
>> Ton van Overbeek
> Ahhh! Sorry, I missed this entirely and just noticed it in another
> folder when going through my e-mail today. Well, I certainly wouldn't
> mind if you went ahead and gave it a try, but I'm not sure how likely it
> is that this change would be accepted, pushed into a release and then
> packaged for Fedora.

One thing to keep in mind: it would have to be actually accepted
*upstream* before it can go in Fedora.

Also, Rawhide is now frozen for F12Alpha, so even if that's accepted
upstream, if you want this change in Fedora 12, you'll have to ask a
freeze break to Rel-Eng. [1]

Better do it quick :)

Best regards,



Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
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