On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Art Hunkins<abhun...@uncg.edu> wrote:
> Is there any other way in which the XO-1 will ever be updated (in respect to
> Sugar) - beyond build 802?

Future passive voice and open source together have infinite possibilities ;-)

If you read http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Future_releases :
"OLPC is developing a Fedora 11 Remix for the XO-1.5 hardware, see
[F11 for 1.5]. Community volunteers are adapting this work to create
images that run on the [XO-1] hardware, see [F11 for XO-1]."

These builds have been announced and discussed on the OLPC devel and
Fedora-olpc mailing lists.  I think one difference is these F11 builds
also include a Gnome desktop as a Sugar alternative.

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