I must have missed most of this thread. Could someone please update me on 
the current proposals for dealing with font size on different displays?

I've been working on this a lot for my text-based activity, and making good 

For me, the issue is having the text filling any screen appropriately. *Of 
course* resizing the fonts will be involved. Larger screen size = larger 
font size - at least if you want to fill the screen.

I'm dealing with another issue as well - one that is equally important: 4:3 
va. 16:9 displays. All my text has to be on a single screen; but 4:3 screens 
will display more *lines* than 16:9. What I'm trying to do is for my script 
to query for screen size (Walter showed me how - thanks, Walter!), and 
depending on the answer, compress some of the text so that it takes fewer 

As a result, my script will need to determine the following:
a) XO or not - result: set appropriate font size
b) 4:3 or 16:9 - result: set appropriate font size (there *appears* to be a 
difference here, unfortunately - I've yet to figure out this disparity), and 
adjust number of lines and/or font size for selected text.

I'd appreciate comments as to whether or not I'm on the right track, and how 
my efforts coincide with the goals you are discussing (Tomeu and Daniel, 

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Drake" <d...@laptop.org>
To: "Tomeu Vizoso" <to...@sugarlabs.org>
Cc: "sugar-devel" <sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org>; "Yioryos Asprobounitis" 
<mavrot...@yahoo.com>; <fedora-olpc-l...@redhat.com>
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] F11 for XO1 - Fonts

> 2009/8/7 Tomeu Vizoso <to...@sugarlabs.org>:
>> But not all text is rendered with that default font size.
> Do you have examples?
>> I was asking you about how we can get there, IOW which is the
>> suggested technical plan.
>> We have today a solution that allows scaling the size of the text in
>> all of Sugar, so it can adapt to any display. You point out that this
>> approach has a downside as text whose size is specified in points
>> won't have the same physical size in different displays.
>> I'm asking you what do you propose to fix that (doing so in a ticket
>> and/or feature page may be better).
> OK, I'll give it some thought. Probably just making a gconf setting
> would be the best approach, and that's also what GNOME does.
> Daniel
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