On 19 Aug 2009, at 16:14, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> On 08/19/2009 05:12 PM, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>> [forwarded from christian]
>> Hi all,
>> I've attached two (annotated) PDFs with mockups of the issues we  
>> talked
>> about on Sunday. The first has several options for the Journal,
>> exploring various toolbars, the grid view, and tagging; the second  
>> looks
>> at simple vs. complex toolbars in activities.
>> Make sure you read the annotations, and let me know what you think.  
>> Once
>> we have reached a consensus, I can generate PNGs and post to the  
>> wiki.
>> Christian
>> PS. Let's also figure out a time to chat, unless email seems  
>> sufficient.
>> I can be available for a short time around 10am (EST)/2pm (UTC)  
>> tomorrow
>> morning, if necessary.
> Hi Christian,
> thanks for this great work.
> Regarding the toolbars - what do you mean with greyed when hovering,  
> the
> arrow?

Page 7 of his 090818_toolbars.pdf "Clicking locks in the toolbar and  
changes bg to gray"?

This is referring to the toolbar background fill colour, when  
hovering, it is black (like a palette), but if you click to lock, it  
goes to that toolbar grey to indicate it is now a locked open toolbar.  
This seems to already be working just fine as described in the current  
new toolbars I've tested (Browse, Write). :-)


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