It looks like it is time to plan another SugarCamp[1].  This time we
have an invitation to spend the 7th to the 12th of November in
Bolzano, Italy.  It looks like six completely free days to work
together on Sugar!  The coolest part of this camp is the fact that we
are collocating with the GnomeHackfest.

It looks like .86 is going to ship on or about September 18th.  That
leaves us with three weeks to think of new things which are needed for
0.88. and then 6 whole days to work.  Because we have six days, the
time pressure is much less than it was in Paris.  But it would be
great if we could continue the same level of productivity.

Let's handle the scheduling similar to Paris.  The entire week spent
in one to four hour breakout sessions and work sessions.  Put your
ideas down under topics on the wiki page and when we get to Bolzano we
can figure out how to schedule things.

As always, the main goal is to make Sugar great.


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