On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Gary C Martin <g...@garycmartin.com> wrote:

> ...
> OK, this is the best I have right now. As you can see, it is just the old
> Miscellaneous tab content all under an icon (intended for the Constants). If
> I can wrangle the code tomorrow in a way works for old and new toolbars,
> I'll add a couple more constants (Golden Ratio, and Euler's Constant) and
> move Plot, deg/rad, sci/exp, and digits - though I'll have to leave out any
> string changes for the new constants, so their hover palettes are likely to
> be an uninformative φ (lowercase Greek letter phi), γ (lowercase Greek
> gamma):

The icons look nice.

Would it make sense to keep the number base, units, or notation visible on
the primary bar at all times?
Are base 2, 8, 16 number displays supported?

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