2009/9/20 Bernie Innocenti <ber...@codewiz.org>:
> I can't volunteer to serve as a member of the volunteer panel, but I'd
> like to offer my viewpoint on this issue.

I agree and I also feel that we have consensus on those 2 things (SL
should promote SoaS, SL should treat distributors equally).
The 3rd, about naming, is where we have conflicting viewpoints.  Some
feel that the "sugar on a stick" name should be permanently assigned
to Sebastian's Fedora-based project, but there are some opposing

Sean wrote:
"Of course, such a scenario raises other questions. If Fedora SoaS is
the official version offered to parents and teachers, what happens if
a different distro does a better job with a liveUSB implementation?
The day a liveUSB version of Sugar contains a risk-free hard-drive
installer (if such a thing is even possible) and close integration
with the XS server, entire fleets of schools' machines can be flipped
to Sugar. Should that better version become Sugar on a Stick? My
answer is yes - because it is Sugar Labs building up the brand equity
in Sugar on a Stick, and it is Sugar Labs that should have final say
about what it is and what it means."

Tomeu wrote:
"I think the problem is that SLs may want to market an user-end distro
and only one, and call it the same regardless of the underlying
technologies, because the user doesn't care about those."

Yamandu wrote:
"I believe SL should support and highlight the best, generally
allowing the others to call themselves "a" SOAS if they want to, and
also be mentioned in SL web pages and presentations, with the
reasonable caveat that they are even more so "works in progress" than
the highlighted SOAS"

I don't quite understand this decision panel stuff.
Is a different decision panel elected every time there is an undecided
issue at hand? Or do we elect one group that remains in place for all
unanswered questions, present and future?

Everyone here seems to already have their own opinions already, and we
have already discussed them, provided our own reasoning, and read the
views of others. So it seems like the vote of the decision panel would
only be unanimous if you were to pick people only on 1 side of the
argument.. and the number of votes each way would depend exactly on
who you pick for it.

Why can't the oversight board make decisions directly? It seems to me
that they were voted for based on the fact we trust their vision for
the direction of sugarlabs. and it would save us a lot of time and

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