I volunteer.  I don't have a strong opinion yet, but am interested in
the future of SoaS.  When I give talks about OLPC and Sugar, there are
almost always audience members who have used it.


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Chris Ball <c...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sebastian Dziallas has asked for clarity on how the SoaS distribution
> he maintains is going to be treated and considered by SL.  It doesn't
> seem that there's consensus, so we suggest forming a Decision Panel:
>   On the rare occasion of a contentious issue on which no general
>   consensus can be reached, the Oversight Board is responsible for
>   convening a Decision Panel. The Oversight Board will be responsible
>   for determining when a Decision Panel is required and for selecting
>   members for the Decision Panel. Members of the Oversight Board are
>   not permitted to serve on a Decision Panel. A Decision Panel will
>   solicit community input, discuss (in private if they deem it
>   necessary), reach a conclusion internally, and produce a report
>   documenting their conclusion. (Anyone may submit advice to a
>   Decision Panel.) The Oversight Board will review and ratify
>   Decision Panel reports.
>     -- http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance
> This mail is to ask for volunteers for the Decision Panel.  Volunteers
> can be anyone with an interest in the outcome, and the Oversight Board
> will then vote on (a) whether to convene the panel, (b) who should be
> on the panel, and probably (c) what the decision being paneled is.  :)
> Please volunteer by replying to this mail if you're interested, and
> please do so by Thursday September 24th so that we can run the vote
> at the Friday September 25th SLOBs meeting.
> Thanks!
> - Chris.
> --
> Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>
> One Laptop Per Child
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