
here is very good feedback from NZ.



On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 08:03, Tim McNamara <mcnamara....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi people - I'm sure there is more to add here. Could people add/remove
> before submission to website. Ta :)
> General
> First dual-location testing group, both in Wellington and Auckland! Woot.
> Looking for a location where we can get decent internet access.
> Power Management
> ## Control Panel > Wireless
> Issues with the " Radio": what does the checkbox mean?
> Does this turn on the battery saving or the wireless radio?
> Some disagreement with members of the team. Suspicion that as the checkbox
> was checked, it was enabling the wireless radio.
> Also, does this checkbox conflict with options in Control Panel > Power?
> ## Control Panel > Power > Extreme Power Management
> Turning on "Extreme Power Management" does not seem to alter the status of
> the wireless radio checkbox.
> ## Control Panel > Power > Power Management Option
> "Automatic power management"
> Perhaps it would be useful to explain what functionality will be lost if
> this setting is checked. Is this CPU scaling? Will it turn of the lights?
> Will it change the maximum volume?
> Does "experimental" mean risky? Will I hurt my machine by indicating this?
> Or, does it just mean it wont be that effective as a power saving mechanism
> Test machine:
> Serial: SHF80802A64
> Build 767
> Sugar: 0.82.1
> Firmware: Q2E18
> Replicated:
> Serial: CSN74804D74
> Build: 802
> Sugar: 0.82.1
> Firmware: Q2E41
> Help Application
> ## Feature Request
> Add a search function
> ## Content
> Activities Sampler > Note to parents and teachers
> "There are currently thousands of software developers around the world
> developing
> content for Sugar" - really?
> "The community is interested in your feedback so that they can better serve
> the
> needs of children learning" - how?
> Tasks to do
> Tim - install school server on spare PC. Try to bring along a wireless acess
> point for next weekend.
> Tim McNamara
>  http://www.timmcnamara.co.nz
>  http://twitter.com/timClicks
> _______________________________________________
> olpc-nz mailing list
> olpc...@lists.laptop.org
> http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-nz

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