On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Simon Schampijer <si...@schampijer.de>wrote:

> *Activity versions*
> As we use integers for activity versions (this really has to change for
> 0.88 with introducing minor versions), we need to cope for the famous:
> stable/unstable version issue. I would say to leave at least 3 version
> numbers open when doing a new unstable release. An example:
> Walter has submitted TurtleArt 69 for 0.86. He reserves the numbers 70,
> 71, 72 for bug fix releases. When he is doing a release from the
> unstable master branch (0.88 development) he is using numbers > 72.

I'm still against this plan.  Does anyone else feel like the integer numbers
are a good thing?

We have been striving to keep activity releases backwards compatible as far
as possible; there should be no need to branch activities for sucrose
releases.  If a bug is found, sucrose can be updated to the latest version.

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