Cool, can't wait to see the finished product.  So far the code looks
reasonably straightforward and intuitive (and I'm a JS neophyte).

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Ze maria <> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I started a port of the activity "Conozco Uruguay" (available at
> from Python to the
> new Karma framework (downloaded from:
> I'm new to html5 and to the canvas element so don't be scared by the
> lookn'feel :)
> Currently to only thing implemented is the capital game, where a person
> guesses where which capital of the state is located.
> By the way, I coulnd't get to work the Raphael function 'print', every time
> I try to use I get a :
> Error: f.fonts is undefined
> Source File:
> file:///Users/zemariamm/workspace/olenepal/mainline/js/raphael-min.js
> Line: 7
> The code is available at, 
> critics and sugestions are all welcome :)
> (To run the code just download the new karma framework and drop the urugay
> activity code in the lessons directory)
> Take care,
> Jose
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