Scott wrote:

> I agree with Wade here -- I think the problem is not the delayed menus
> themselves, but that kids are not *discovering* that right-click can
> eliminate the delay.  How are they supposed to discover that?  Perhaps
> some thought along those lines would help.

One way to start would be to attach a visual indicator to each icon
indicating what actions apply to it. The little down arrows in the new
toolbars serve this purpose nicely for me, though I am aware that
similar devices (the little open-closed triangle indicators in tree
views) fail terribly for many people in Gnome.

In activity contexts where such displays might be obtrusive, I think I
would probably recommend a "training level" like those found in many
first-person shooter and flying games.

Still, in the sugar interface at large, I think my preferred solution is
to try harder to put all the options on screen in a visually pleasing
way that keeps the visual focus on the main actions until the user
indicates interest in a specific area by clicking or gesturing.

> I myself found that I often waited for the delayed menu, even though I
> knew about right-click, because it was "easier".  

I find that I wait for it because I'm trying to review the information
stored on the palettes and that I wish to indicate my desire to review
that information simply by putting the cursor near the item of interest.

This reflection actually suggests another solution that would work
fairly well for me, which is the browser-like status bar approach.
Perhaps a status bar would be a reasonable addition to the Frame?

> Of course, seeing a small child start to swear is a good indication
> that the user is frustrated and has not discovered any means to
> resolve their frustration. 


> (Even a "complexity slider" has to be discoverable!)


> ps. I've found the discussion of ideas here much more interesting than
> the finger-pointing. 

Understandable; thanks for providing this feedback. Are there specific
ideas that have come up in this thread other than the one that Wade
supplied that you have found particularly thought-provoking?

> Attempts to shift responsibility (it's my patch,
> YOU have to prove that it's wrong -vs- it's my design, YOU have to
> prove that it's wrong) are productive/necessary to some degree, but a
> family matter you guys should take out back somewhere to hash out.  

Do you have a recommendation on where "out back" would be? Some other
mailing list? Private conversation?

> We all should (IMHO) be listening much more to Daniel Drake, who seems
> to have the most practical experience guiding his intuitions.
> (Caroline, too, but I haven't her offer as specific an opinion on the
> issue.)

I understand you to be saying that we should be listening to people with
the experience necessary to have informed opinions. Is this a fair
summary of your position?



P.S. - Thanks for your reply; I always enjoy hearing your comments and
would like to see you write more often.
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