On 05.01.2010, at 10:17, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 08:11 +0545, Bryan Berry wrote:
>> Is there a way to remove select files from the index that are no
>> longer in the working tree?
> I never used it, but try git-filter-branch should do the job:
>   git filter-branch --tree-filter ´rm filename´ HEAD
> It's very powerful, read the man page for more info.
> NOTE WELL: removing one file in the middle of the history is guaranteed
> to alter the sha1's of all the subsequent commits. This happens because
> of git's fundamental design, and can be seen as a security feature to
> prevent people from tampering with the history.

On a side note, this hugeness when dealing with binary files in git is why 
etoys switched back to svn for binary content, only the textual stuff remains 
in git. Git is awesome for versioning code, but it's way less efficient with 

- Bert -

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