On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Jeff Elkner <j...@elkner.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> II have two personality quirks that often get in my way: I have a
> great deal of trouble multitasking, and I would loose my head were it
> not attached to my shoulders.  What I need from a computer are tools
> that complement my limitations, and help me be more productive.  irc
> can be such a tool, particularly in combination with logging.
> I'm a regular user on #schooltool.  I go there to ask questions about
> schooltool, and participate there in on-line meetings about the
> development of schooltool.  I don't worry about trying to take notes
> or record what happens on the channel, that all happens
> *automatically*.  If I think later... "Oh, yeah, we discussed that
> back in the first week in October."  No problem, just go here:
> http://schooltool.pov.lt/irclogs/ and look through the dates around
> the time I remember the meeting happening.
> I was surprised to find out that there was no logging on #sugar, and
> it keeps me from wanting to hold any real discussions on the channel.
> I go there to find if folks are around, then ask them to meet me on
> google talk, so that I can automatically get a log of what we discuss.
>  It would like to make most of these conversations available to the
> rest of the community, but I don't have the time to log and publish
> them myself.
> Is there a good reason why we don't auto log the channel?
Apparenly it was discussed. Some people do not like publicly available logs.
I log all my IRC channels locally. This is handy because I can use desktop
search to find something. I can't point someone else to them, but I suppose
I could email part of it to someone.


> jeff elkner
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> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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