On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Esteban Arias
<ear...@plan.ceibal.edu.uy> wrote:
> I work with journal (0.82) backup. The idea is on jornal activity add button
> "backup" and "restore". and then run the script. as a subprosses.

It all depends on how you do it ;-)

As Daniel mentions, "backup" is safe, but "restore" can be tricky.
Here is what I propose you do for restore, so that it is safe. Ugly
pseudocode follows

 for each object in the backup:
    # next step might require an addition to journal code
    # to return  sha1sum of the file and of the canonical-json-encoded metadata
    # for a given journal entry
    if the object exists in the journal and is unchanged:
    use copy-to-journal (or its guts) to import it to the journal


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