
There is a project in Gitorious that sounds like it might be of use to you:

I haven't tried it myself, but the description sounds promising.

James Simmons

> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 16:42:15 -0500
> From: "Dennis Rodriguez (RIT Student)" <>
> Subject: [Sugar-devel] RIT Math4Team PacMath Difficulties
> To:
> Cc: David Shein <>
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello,
> My name is Dennis and I am currently part of the RIT OLPC class, currently
> developing a program called PacMath for the Math4Team (
>  My team members and I have no
> previous experience with developing for sugar and recently have been getting
> issues in terms of code.  We currently have python code using the pygame
> libraries which work fine when run independently on the XO but attempts to
> "sugarize", or make an activity, have been a hurdle for us.  Any advice or
> input would be greatly appreciated.  Our code can be cloned from: git://
>  Thank you for your time.  Hope to
> hear from you guys soon.
> Sincere Regards
> Dennis Rodriguez
> Rochester Institute of Technology
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