Hi Urso,

   > Question: if version 0.84 is shipped with these laptops, is it
   > possible to upgrade the XO to the version of the next release of
   > April? Can someone tell me how this is done or where to get this
   > information?

There's some confusion between XO releases and Sugar releases here.
Sugar releases happen every six months, and XO (OLPC OS) releases
happen less often -- they aren't strictly time-based, but major
releases have happened roughly once a year, and minor bugfix releases
happen as they're needed.

So, it's not the case that Sugar releases are incorporated into OLPC
releases immediately.  (In fact, for the XO-1.5 we chose to use Sugar
0.84 even though Sugar 0.86 had been released before our final release
happened, because we wanted a Sugar release that had seen more time
for bugfixes.)

You should talk with OLPC directly about how to handle your particular
situation, but I expect that you'll need to update the machines with
your translations when they arrive; we can give you some pointers on
how to do that.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child
Sugar-devel mailing list

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