On 13.03.2010, at 11:56, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> I've spent three days in Caacupè, observing how the new F11-XO1 build is
> doing among our young user base. It's a great success, but for the wrong
> reason:
> http://codewiz.org/wiki/blog/2010/03#mon-mar-8--children-want-sugar-084-for-the-wrong-reasons

Very valid observation. My kids change their desktop wallpaper about every week.

So +1 to look customization. E.g., why not allow to change the gray frame 
color? In Etoys you can at least change the toolbar color (not permanently 
though, I should fix that). Even if it enrages our latte-drinking black-wearing 
designer friends ;) they're kids after all ...

- Bert -

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