On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 10:20:49AM -0500, James Simmons wrote:
> Aleksey,
> I tried to attach a screenshot of just what this menu looks like in
> .82.  I can see it in gmail but maybe it was stripped from the email
> going to the mailing list.  I'll describe how to find this menu in
> .82.
> First, you have to open the Journal entry so you see the screen that
> has the metadata, screen shot, etc.  It is not available through the
> normal hover menu in the Journal listing.  If you move your mouse
> pointer over the "Copy" icon in this view a menu will drop down and
> will show "Copy", "Copy To Journal", plus other options for copying to
> the SD card, etc.  It's a pretty well hidden menu but you can find it.
>  I probably found it because I had to go into the Journal entry screen
> to find another useful menu, "Start With".  I have a lot of experience
> with this menu because I constantly used it for opening Read Etexts.
> If you just clicked on the Journal entry for a Zip file containing
> text it could open in ETtoys or View Slides by mistake.

Got it, I guess the main reason to have "Copy to Journal" only there
was keep sugar all time surprising :)

I think it could be considered as regression and pushed to 0.88

> The "Copy" menu item and icon are the least useful methods of copying
> something to and from the Journal but they are the only ones that are
> really visible.  I like the change to the hover menu for the Journal
> entry list that added "Start With" and its submenu listing all the
> Activities you could use to Resume that Journal entry.  I'd suggest
> something similar for "Copy", with "Copy to Clipboard" being the last
> option in the list.

from coding POV it should be trivial, the question is only designers' view

> Another thing you could do is make drag and drop easier to discover by
> making the Journal a bit more like Midnight Commander.  Normally, with
> no USB or SD inserted, the Journal looks like it does now.  Insert
> either and an icon appears at the bottom of the screen, just like it
> does now.  Click on that icon and you get an mc-like look, with the
> Journal entries in a left pane and the USB entries in a right pane.
> The USB entries would show that they are organized into
> subdirectories.  No attempt would be made to make them look like
> Journal entries.  You could do copies by dragging from one pane to the
> other, which would be more natural than dragging to an icon at the
> bottom of the screen (but that would still work).

This "how-journal-should-look-like" is pretty arguable question, in my
mind the right answer is having several journals(journal like)
activities that will cover all possible use cases.

I'm working on Library-2 which should be regular Journal (in browsing
sense) with sharing features and several views like list/thumbs/full.

Would be useful if people will start coding their own variants and we
even shouldn't choose right one for new default (in core) Journal, people
will use more appropriate for their workflows.

> James Simmons
> >>
> >> I'm not arguing what is the preferable method to copy objects to/from
> >> journal, I just can't get what you mean by menu option to copy usb files
> >> to the Journal. I just recheck source code history and didn't find any
> >> mention of such code. There is only "Send to" submenu to copy entry via
> >> network.

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