On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Bernie Innocenti <ber...@codewiz.org> wrote:
> Aldo, one of the technicians in Caacupe, reported failure to restore
> backups created with Sugar 0.82 after the machine has been upgraded to
> Sugar 0.84.

I didn't write those backup/restore scripts and you're not linking or
attaching them either, so the short version is "I dunno!".

The only back/restore scripts I'm aware of (outside the XS stuff) were
written by dsd (cc'd).

> Frankly, I don't understand how the restore script is supposed to work:
> it rsyncs the files into ~/.ds-restore-tmp and then quits without moving
> them where the datastore is.
> I tried moving the files manually into ~/.sugar/default/datastore and
> restarting Sugar, but nothing shows up. How does the datastore detect an
> old format that needs updating?

It looks for ~/sugar/default/datastore/version -- have a look in

> Besides this problem, it would be useful to add a control panel icon for
> listing available backups and restoring them. Is anyone working on this?

I'm working on the XS-based backup/restore and there is definitely
such listing there :-) and you can restore particular files from
particular dates...


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