On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 16:24, Yevlempy(Harsh Verma) <yevle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I Would like to propose GSOC 2010 idea for Sugarlabs.
> ----The Proposal----
> I would like to propose an idea of Integrating LDTP with sugar.
> Gnome/LDTP[1]
> (Linux Desktop Testing Project) seem to be doing this set of things for
> Gnome
> (and other desktops) the evince test suite includes automatic UI tests as
> well.
> ----Advantages----
> We can do a set of basic tests that simulate a user working with Sugar
> basically
> doing the "Smoke Test" stuff automatically. Having a fully working test
> suite that
> can not test those few parts will also be a  good motivation/idea  to
> replace them.
> ----Required----
> As a starter i would  need some kind of test framework that starts up Sugar
> in a
> virtual X server (i.e. something like xvfb), wait for Sugar to start up (for
> most of the
> tests - maybe some might try to crash it by activating things while the UI
> is still is
> loading) and run a single test (each test will start fresh).Which can be
> achieved  by
> trying  to reuse Mago[2]. And looking at the [3] we can also try to do some
> thing with
> xvfg.LDTP can be used to test the functionality of an accessibility enabled
> application.
> As sugar is build on top of the Gnome libraries, the AIUI, the Gnome
> libraries already
> take care of that.
> ----My FOSS expirence----
> I have been a Fedora Ambassador[4] since a long time enjoying the open
> source world.
> I basically do stuff with python and pygtk(though in process of reading),
> recently i have
> made a control panel extension for sugar i.e font panel which codes be found
> at [5].
> The detailed documentation of its making can be found [6]. I also have
> worked with
> web framework before i.e Rubyonrails.
> I would like someone to mentor me on this idea, and would love to hear up
> from mentors
> and developers.

I think this is a very good idea. Automatic tests are strongly needed
and the approach you mention seem to me like the best one.

Regards and good luck,


> [1]http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/
> [2]https://launchpad.net/mago
> [3]http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/HOWTO
> [4]http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Yevlempy
> [5]http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sugar/repos/yevlempy/commits/973b0bd9def313cf6cf9ffea967c4626ebb9ffc6
> [6]http://yevlempy.wordpress.com/2010/03/27/the-sugar-font-panel/
> Thanks,
> --yev--
> --
> yevlempy | Harsh Verma
> Fedora Ambassador(INDIA)
> http://yevlempy.wordpress.com/
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