On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:46:05PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> I particularly like that I can test sugar*-0.88 directly on my XO by running
> something comparable to
>   yum install git-core gcc glibc-devel make vim
>   git clone git://dev.laptop.org/users/mstone/sugar; cd sugar
>   make xo-builddeps
>   env PREFIX=/usr ./configure
>   make; make install

All these steps worked on XO-1.5 os121, but the next step escapes me.
At the moment, olpc-session starts, Sugar starts with the nickname
prompt, but doesn't proceed beyond colour choice dialog.

Looking at logs, presence service isn't sticking around once it is
launched by D-Bus.  I couldn't find any logs of the failure.

Looking at an strace of a startx with .xinitrc containing olpc-session,
the presence service isn't passing "import decorator", so I'll look into
that.  Maybe it needs another package.

Oh, and the colour choice XO icon wasn't there.  Just the "click to
change" message, back and forward buttons.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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