El Fri, 07-05-2010 a las 16:43 +0000, Aleksey Lim escribió:
> My only concern about mailing list scheme is that I as component
> maintainer will have to setup my mail client to effectively track
> patches that should go to particular release e.g. patches to current dev
> branch, patches to backport to some of released branches. It is easy w/
> bugs.sl.o since there are special fields. We can provide such useful
> info in email posts but it should be handled somehow in various email
> clients.
> Not sure how this issue is handled in projects like xorg or kernel,
> at the end we can ask patch submitters to create a ticket if they want
> their patches to be included to particular release or even better, in
> git post commit scripts, update/create appropriate ticket.

In kernel land, when someone wants their patch to be applied to the
stable series they just Cc the maintainer of the stable series when
sending the patch to lkml.

Then, each subsystem maintainer has their own favorite ways to manage
incoming patches. Linus said once that he just presses one key in mutt
to save each patch he likes to a directory "to_apply" that he later

Andrew Morton and others use more advanced patch queue management tools
such as Guilt and StGit:


Personally, I use a hierarchy of four directories to remember
outstanding patches to be sent to various upstream projects:


We could also take the habit to mark patches in the subjects with tags
such as "[0.84] [0.86]".

Hopefully, the current mess of 3 or 4 versions of Sugar to be supported
in parallel is only transient: if we're successful in reconciling
deployments with upstream, there should be only one version of Sugar in
maintenance mode and one under active development.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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