> At least for myself, I'd like to see more detail here -- how was
> it broken?

Sure. The record UI consists of many windows/widgets. In a particular
mode or view, it displays and resizes the widgets appropriate for that
view the tries to hide the other windows by moving them off-screen.
Now, on sugar-0.88 (and probably on versions 0.86>), while trying to
move the widgets off-screen, they actually get dumped on the
bottom-right corner of screen. Hence, if you run the existing Record
activity on 0.88, you'll see that the bottom right quadrant of screen
is 'corrupted'.

The patch (which I must confess is not an ideal fix), works by
resizing (to size 1px by 1px) and hiding the widgets not required in a
particular view/mode. To accomplish that, I created the
'resizewindows' method. Also, in the 'updatevideocomponents' method I
hide the widgets not required in a particular view.

>Did you test the result on older
> versions of Sugar too?  On the XO?

I've tested this only on sugar-emulator-0.88 and xo1-f11-0.88. I'll
download older soas versions and test it on that as well. There will
probably be some minor quirks which might get revealed when I test it
more extensively.


On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Chris Ball <c...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Hi Anish,
>   > This patch fixes the Record ui which is broken since versions
>   > 0.86 and later.
> At least for myself, I'd like to see more detail here -- how was
> it broken?  How did you fix it?  Did you test the result on older
> versions of Sugar too?  On the XO?
> Thanks,
> - Chris.
> --
> Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>
> One Laptop Per Child
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