
You missed my point:

evince works.

I just installed evince i686 2.31.3-4.20100621git.fc14 on a soas-i386-20100623.16.iso 4GB USB

yum install evince

It is able to easily read e-books loaded on a 2nd USB.
This USB can be drag-drop loaded from the journal after using get e books application, or externally loaded to the USB on another PC.
All one has to do is enter evince in terminal to start Program and then
File/Open/(external 2nd USB) and select the e-book Postscript / DjVu / Tiff/Comic books / or PDF documents.

Nice Reader Application

This looks like a nice work around for a broken read application.

Tom Gilliard

Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:18 AM, Thomas C Gilliard
<> wrote:
I just made a 4 GB USB with persistence from soas-i386-20100623.03.iso
In testing:
Read 86, it still fails to start
log showed unable to find/open evince


Read does not work because the way it interacts with evince has
changed on the evince side. Hence, Read would have to be adjusted for
working again (which is a pretty critical thing, I guess). I read,
though, that David Farning's ActivityCentral was going to provide
incentives for people to work on that? (I'm just walking through my
email backlog right now, so please correct me if I'm wrong.)

There is a ticket on that in trac:

Tried to open a e-book in sugar-journal
evince could NOT ACCESS JOURNAL.

Yes, this is the case because evince itself is not a sugar activity.


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