On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Bernie Innocenti <ber...@codewiz.org> wrote:
> Likely so, but the software should be able to compensate for it. After
> discussing it on IRC, it seems that olpc-update-query should
> automatically update the clock from the OATS server.

Do _not_ rely on this for accurate clock setting. It only kicks in if

 - the clock is really off
 - the XS has delegated OATS keys

>> NetworkManager used to call ntpdate when it setup a connection.  Was that an
>> OLPC addition?
> We figured out that the ntp package has never been present on the XO
> images.

Um? I thought it was there -- perhaps in much older builds?

> There's no way to practical way to implement effective anti-theft
> without taking away root from the user. And once we take away root
> access, we've also taken away olpc's principle #1: child ownership.

Not true on several levels. We can control the clock in OFW for the
case where the time is reset to the past. Not implemented (yet) but


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