On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 07:19 +0100, Gary Martin wrote:
> > Meanwhile, we're working on a work-around that will hopefully fix all
> > problems of this sort: a "Rescan" or "Reindex" item on the Journal
> > palette.
> Unsurprisingly, a massive -1 from me, but you knew that was coming already! ;)

This was quite expected, but I was also hoping to get alternative

> > I can already hear a big objection coming: this sort of geeky stuff has
> > no place in the Sugar UI. True, but I see no alternative until we'll
> > have a 100% reliable datastore that can fix itself in all cases of
> > corruption.
> Never going to happen, keep dreaming if you want, but it will only get 
> better, never perfect. 

Which is why the Repair function ought to be there. My first impulse was
to make it hidden (ctrl-R in the Journal), but the others asked me how
would users get to discover it if it were hidden.

Remedies for OS bugs have historically been hidden: CTRL-ALT-DEL in
DOS/Windows, SHIFT+SHIFT to boot without extensions on System 7...
Overly optimistic engineers thought that users would never need to use
the secret key combos. Yet, somehow, 100% of users end up learning them
merely by word of mouth :-)

Now, if we don't want Sugar users to keep handing down the shell
incantation "rm -rf .sugar", we'd better provide a less drastic remedy
in the UI.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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