On Tue, 2010-08-17 at 11:42 -0400, David Farning wrote:
> Awesome please submit the bug reports to the sl bug tracker with the
> keyword 'dextrose' or to this ML.  We are monitoring the list as it is
> the best source of feed back in the sugar/olpc ecosystem.

We installed os300py on all the laptops and found quite a few bugs.

I've raised some tickets:


I've got some more to raise, but they will have to wait until tomorrow.
I also noticed some things that I can't reproduce and probably won't
raise tickets for.

Every now and again, especially when the laptop was busy, opening a new
activity would briefly show in a window frame like you see on an http
basic authentication dialog. Usually this would disappear within a
couple of seconds and the contents of the window would move up to a
normal "full screen" view but very occasionally it would persist and you
would have an activity in a window that you could move around. I'll
raise a ticket for this, as it happened quite often (but nearly always
the activity went full screen within a couple of seconds).

Once, Browse froze due to a modal dialog in another window. I'm not
really sure how I managed it, but while starting Browse, two Browse
windows started and the background one had a modal dialog. This blocked
both windows and gave the impression that browse had frozen. I
eventually alt-tabbed (heading for the terminal to investigate there)
and noticed the other window. Dismissing the dialog in the background
window unlocked browse.

Unfortunately I didn't take proper notes at the time as I only had a few
minutes to use the internet and I really needed to do something rather
than diagnose problems, sorry. I think the popup might have been an
http-basic challenge, but extensive testing here couldn't reproduce the
lock up with such a challenge. This problem might have been related to
the "window manager decorations visible" problem above but I can't

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