On 18 Aug 2010, at 18:22, Gary Martin wrote:

> On 18 Aug 2010, at 16:55, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>> On 08/18/2010 11:52 AM, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> to get the new Sugar release 0.90 [1] into shape and make it a stable
>>> release we want people to test the nightly Soas snapshots [2]. In order
>>> to get the new packaged tarballs into those builds they have to meet
>>> certain criteria first [3], hence we need people testing them.
>>> You can simply do this by getting the rpms from koji and install them
>>> into your latest soas snapshot and restart Sugar. What I do in short is:
>>> - open the Browse activity and go to http://koji.fedoraproject.org
>>> - search for the package (sugar, sugar-toolkit...)
>>> - click on the latest F14 version and then right-click on the download
>>> option of the 'noarch' rpm and choose 'copy link' from the palette (if
>>> you download directly it is stored in the Journal)
>>> - then open the terminal activity log in as root and you can copy in the
>>> address here using ctrl+shift+v or the edit tab in the toolbar
>>> - the command for updating the rpm is: 'rpm -U [name of rpm]'
>>> Once you tested the package you can comment on bodhi [4] about your
>>> findings and give karma points. If you have not done so yet, you should
>>> create a Fedora account [5], so your comments have a higher value.
>>> Why not start today? Here are some packages that would need your testing
>>> [6] [7]. Btw, there will be a Fedora testing day [8] this Thursday and
>>> we want to give a go on Sugar, too. More info to come.
>>> If you have questions please feel free to ask. I am as well on irc
>>> #sugar most of the day.
>>> Regards,
>>>    Simon
>>> [1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Roadmap#Schedule
>>> [2] http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/nightly-composes/soas/
>>> [3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_update_acceptance_criteria
>>> [4] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates
>>> [5]
>>> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/user/new?_csrf_token=88fb044408f6ad820284d0a7f38dc7731efb1808
>>> [6]
>>> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/sugar-artwork-0.89.3-1.fc14,sugar-toolkit-0.89.3-1.fc14?_csrf_token=88fb044408f6ad820284d0a7f38dc7731efb1808
>>> [7]
>>> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/sugar-toolkit-0.89.2-1.fc14,sugar-presence-service-0.90.0-1.fc14,sugar-0.89.3-1.fc14,sugar-base-0.90.0-1.fc14?_csrf_token=88fb044408f6ad820284d0a7f38dc7731efb1808
>>> [8] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/108
>> Actually, you can use as well the updates testing repository to test new 
>> rpms. Completely forgot about that.
>> yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update sugar sugar-toolkit...
>> And Bernie pointed out that fedora-easy-karma [1] can be used for people 
>> who do not like to use web interfaces.
>> Gary pointed out that he has issues running the latest snapshot under 
>> virtualization (Virtual Box) does not work for him (black screen). If 
>> anybody has an idea...
> Just to confirm, I just tested again with the latest 
> soas-x86_64-20100817.16.iso image and it is still showing a black screen at 
> the point it should be showing X. It's not a lockup or a failed boot process, 
> looks just to be that something display related in F14 and VirtualBox are not 
> happy with each other yet (been happily using F13 VB VMs for some time). You 
> can send the F14 VM the shutdown signal and it will gracefully shut its self 
> down again. I also tested with various vga boot parameters incase it was 
> resolution related, but all end up at black (800x600, 1024x768, 1600x1200).

Just wanted to confirm that I have success in testing the above image 
soas-x86_64-20100817.16.iso in Parallels Desktop v5 (build 5.0.9344) for Mac. 
Unfortunately Parallels is a commercial product, but it does point to Oracle 
VirtualBox (v3.2.8 r64453) having some specific issue display with F14 at the 


> Regards,
> --Gary
>> Regards,
>>   Simon
>> [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Easy_Karma
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