On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:48, Marco Pesenti Gritti <ma...@marcopg.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Tomeu Vizoso <to...@sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>> Also, note that sticking to the current dependencies won't allow us to
>> keep jhbuild lean because we'd have to build old stuff for distros
>> such as Fedora.
> I think Sascha is right that a jhbuild which supports a GNOME 3.0
> based Sugar on old distributions would be unmaintainable. It will be a
> lot of effort and it will break most of the time anyway. We need to
> move in the opposite direction (i.e. getting rid of jhbuild completely
> as soon as possible).
> But to me that means we need to move on and let distributions keep up.
> If Debian doesn't support a modern stack developers will either deal
> with the problem themself (by building stuff from source, custom
> packages etc) or use a different distribution. We just can't do
> anything about it and it should not be our focus anyway.

I have no problem myself in this course of action, as I have switched
distros before because of Sugar and would do it again. But I think
some present contributions do have problems?

> Something to consider is a general API break while we are moving to
> introspection and gtk 3.0, which might need a longer development
> cycle, in parallel with bare maintenance of the stable stack. A
> slightly longer transition period should help everyone and breaking
> (err fixing) as much as we can at the same time will make sure we are
> able to support the new API for a longer time.

Hmm, do you have more details already?



> Marco
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