I've been trying for while now to copy journal entries to a usb stick.
This works fine as long as files are concerned, e.g. Pics or Audio recordings 
taken with Record.
It does not work if I try to copy an activity from the journal to the usb stick.
No matter if I'm using the menu in the details view or drag and drop.
The behavior is always the same: it appears to work, the little copy icon 
appears etc. but in the end 
the copied file is not on the stick. I've tried two different sticks, both have 
been recently formatted. 

Why would I want to copy an activity to a usb stick?
Imagine two or more children. Half of them are in country1, the others are in 
They would like to collaborate on an activity, e.g. FotoToon.
One of the groups starts and adds a picture and some bubbles. Now they want to 
send their work to the other group so that they can add a picture and a couple 
of bubbles. This goes back and forth a couple of times. 

I actually managed somehow to store the FotoToon activity as a zip file. This 
zip contains the images and a .json file describing the bubbles. Unfortunately 
FotoToon does not seem to be able to open this zip file.

More or less the same happens when I attach the activity to an email. If I 
rename the file to xxx.zip I can open it and there are the images and the json 
file. I cannot open it with FotoToon. If I do not rename the activity and try 
to start it it will open Etoys.

Another problem is how to save the final story into a format that e.g. can be 
published on a website?

FotoToon is just one example that the results that have been achieved while 
working with one activity cannot be used to be edited in another activity. I 
have the same problem with, amongst others, TamTamJam or Paint.
Is it really not possible or am I missing something?

Thanks a lot for your help,

On Aug 3, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 09:11 +0200, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
>>> How much effort would it be to add such an copy-to-USB option to the Journal
>>> hover palette? Is this something I could do with the help of my knowledgable
>>> flatmate Mr. Innocenti?
>> Yep, shouldn't be hard nor a lot of code.
> As we're there, we might want to add a progress display for long copy
> operations. Currently, if you drop a large file on the journal icon, the
> UI freezes for a long time with no indication of progress, tempting the
> user to perform a hard reboot (and thus corrupting the datastore :-).
> If nobody has time to implement a nice progress bar, at least we could
> put on the busy cursor (which is animated in our cursor theme, iirc).
> The copy could probably be made fully asynchronous, but with no progress
> indication, there's a potential for users to extract USB sticks before
> the operation is finished.
> -- 
>  // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
> \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/
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