Hi all,

This is a summary of successful migration of git.sugarlabs.org to different
host and new Gitorios code base (which is 1.5 year ahead of previously
used on git.sugarlabs.org).

Previously mentioned issues were fixed, such as:

* http://cgit.sugarlabs.org
* http read only access to git repositories
* CIA.vc plugin


git.sugarlabs.org's IP was changed to New public SSH key
fingerprint is 4f:5e:5c:7f:ca:94:49:9d:2e:77:85:86:7c:de:56:f1
(remove line with substring "git.sugarlabs.org" from your
~.ssh/known_hosts file, try to ssh connect to git.sugarlabs.org and
check if "ssh-keygen -F git.sugarlabs.org -l" output is equal to new
git.sugarlabs.org fingerprint).

Since merge request workflow was changed in Gitorios (see below),
all already existed merges are titled as "It appears that the commits in
this merge request have already been merged into ...", that might be not
right since new Gitorios doesn't have sufficient information about merge.

New Gitorios sends fully qualified name of a committer (like it appears
in git log) to CIA.vc site. So if you are bothering about CIA stats,
check if you own your own name there.

(Short introspection of 1.5 years of Gitorios development)


Team support [1]
Gitorious now supports the creation of teams. Anyone can create a team,
which lets users share repositories, promote their team on the team page
and gives custom URLs for projects and their repositories.

New merge requests [2]
Merge requests lets users make contributions to repositories hosted on
Gitorious.org. After all, sharing code is what it’s all about. The new
version of Gitorious brings some changes to the way merge requests are

Awesome code review [3]
How to make review process more convenient within Gitorios.

Repository permissions [4]
Ever had the need to give someone permissions to triage merge request,
but not give them commit access? Well, now you can, thanks to our new
finer-grained repository access permissions.

Activity watching [5]
Track for particular events.


Several repositories per project [1]
Each project can now have several repositories. The project page lists
all repositories belonging to the project, so you can easily see
repositories that relate to each other.

Improved URLs [1]
The URLs generated and recognized by Gitorious has been completely
revamped, providing URLs that let you easily recognize what you’re
currently looking at.

Support for several committers [1]
You can now add one or more committers to a repository, the difference
being that you can now add a whole team as well and projects and
repositories themselves can be now owned by a team. This gives you a way
of easily managing multiple project or repository administrators.

Support for several email addresses for a user [1]
Some users use several email addresses when committing code, and
Gitorious now lets you specify several email addresses (“aliases”). When
adding a new email address you’re required to confirm the address by
clicking a link you’ll receive by email from Gitorious. Check your
profile page for the “Manage aliases” link.

User and team avatars [1]
Users and teams can now upload custom images (avatars). So if you don’t
have a Gravatar account (or don’t want one) you can upload a custom
image that will be displayed on your profile and next to your commits on
the site.

[1] http://blog.gitorious.org/2009/05/09/weve-made-a-few-changes/
[2] http://blog.gitorious.org/2009/07/15/new-merge-request-functionality/
[3] http://blog.gitorious.org/2009/11/06/awesome-code-review/
[4] http://blog.gitorious.org/2009/11/26/repository-permissions/
[5] http://blog.gitorious.org/2010/01/22/activity-watching/


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