Hello folks,

I'm pleased to announce a new version of the IRC activity. I've been working
on the activity over the past few weeks as part of the Humanitarian FOSS
class at RIT; Mel Chua, the current maintainer, was looking for a new
maintainer and I decided to take up the task.

Version 7 significantly adds Sugar Journal support, allowing your nickname,
server, channels joined, and channel and query scrollback to persist between
sessions. Proper CTCP support has also been added, so you'll no longer get a
gibberish message when Freenode checks your version on login; several other
cosmetic bugs have been fixed, as well.

The new version should be on ASLO soon (I'm still waiting for upload
access), but for now you can download it here:
.xo Bundle: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11458013/IRC/IRC-7.xo
Source: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11458013/IRC/IRC-7.tar.bz2

Your input is welcome!

-Fran Rogers
Sugar-devel mailing list

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