Hello again,

(At this point I guess I have like 3 threads about this topic, so I better
stick to one, Sorry if there was any confusion)

Any ways, last night Gary and I had a very productive chat about the Look
and Feel of this feature.

In my first proposal [1], the notification icons (w/ messages palettes)
would appear at each corner depending on the nature of the message
(activities, users or  devices). But could not find a good mechanism to
place/represent the historical registry. As you can see at [2] I just placed
a new HTray on the bottom frame bar, but apparently this would:

* Create much spam.
* Mix the different messages types again.

So, last night, we discussed how we could keep the messages historical with
out generating much spam and without mixing the notifications types. Gary
proposed an special icon on each corner with a palette that would contain
the last N (N=5) messages notifications [3].

So far, I think this is the best idea we got :), but I guess it is important
to have the approval of other members, So please everyone take a look at [3]
and give us some feedback before my implementation gets to that point.

1. http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Messages_Notification
2. http://people.sugarlabs.org/~tch/images/Screenshot-19.png
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