In the Read activity in the build 353, the game key X and O keys do PageUp
Page Down and the square and and check keys do zoom in / out.


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Daniel Castelo <
> wrote:

> Thanks for the information!
> I've tested the build 351. I realize that the "Directional Pad" change the
> Behaviour when the screen rotate. Great!
> However, in the Read Activity the "Directional Pad" is useful for go
> forward line per line, but if you want to change the page you have to use
> the "Game Buttons". So, for Read Activity will be useful adapt the "Game
> Buttons" too. What do you think?
> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Simon Schampijer <>wrote:
>> On 11/17/2010 05:37 PM, Daniel Castelo wrote:
>>> We want to read books using the rotate screen capability of XO.  We have
>>> a
>>> small problem,  if we open a book (pdf, epub) and we rotate the screen,
>>>  the
>>> game pad buttons have the same use that the screen in a normal position,
>>> I
>>> mean that user have to click in the "left game pad" button (the down
>>> button
>>> in horizontal position) to go to the next page.
>>> I think that all the game pad buttons have to be adapted according the
>>> screen position. We want to know how can we catch the rotate screen
>>> event,
>>> and be sure that this change in "Read" behaviour activity has sense.
>>> Regards, Daniel
>> Hi Daniel,
>> this has been fixed in the recent OLPC builds [1]. The ticket is #10380
>> [2]. Please let us know if that works for you now.
>> Regards,
>>   Simon
>> [1]
>> [2]
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> Ing. Daniel Castelo
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