On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 1:27 PM, David Leeming
<da...@leeming-consulting.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have questions about the latest release of SOAS. Are these observations
> unusual or do others see these issues?
> (a)    eToys does not start up properly. On start up a garbled view of the
> animated car is displayed, and then it won’t shut down. I also experienced
> this with Mirabelle

I've not seen this problem but then prior to release we didn't see too
many people actually test anything and report bugs so we could fix it
before release.

> (b)   A popup appears about a password for a keyring just after Sugar has
> started up

Known problem. See numerous discussions about this on the SoaS mailing
list (probably the best location to ask SoaS questions btw).

> In regard to (a) I tried to erase the activity and load an early version,
> but there erase function seems to have been moved (which I think is a good
> idea). Can anyone refer me please?

How did you try to 'erase' it? All SoaS activities are rpm based so
you need to use yum/rpm based commands to add/remove etc.

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