I tried the directions from the mini-HOWTO and
everything downloaded ok but the ./configure step
failed because kernel and X11 sources were not
available.  I looked but was unable to determine
how to get those to proceed.  Maybe someone with
XO-1 kernel-fu can help.


On 12/20/2010 7:14 PM, chm wrote:
I tried the pre-built x86 drivers but that did not
work so I think the kernel driver will need to be
compiled. The Mini-HOWTO at


looks promising but it will take me a while to
set up swap space on the XO-1 with the latest
OS and to configure yum to use a local repository
for the cache rather than the memory destroying
and only temporary tmpfs.

I'll let you know how it goes but I could take
some time since the XO-1 is not very fast. Too
bad no-one doing XO OS/kernel builds reads the
list since once this is all set up, the build
should be straightforward.

Will keep you posted,

On 12/20/2010 8:50 AM, Wade Brainerd wrote:
Good question, I'll have to do some research on the status of wacom support in 
F11. The supporting utilities are definitely installable via yum, so maybe the 
kernel module and xorg configuration have been done too.

Thanks for the reports!


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 11:42 AM, chm <devel.chm...@gmail.com 
<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I tried the updated script with the following log
of the session. The two issues appear to be that
the wacom.ko won't work with a different linux
kernel version (not too surprising) and that the
Xorg configuration stuff has changed from the
fedora-9 to fedora-11 change.

I was wondering if since fedora-11 is more recent
if there might be a package to install the needed
module/driver directly with yum rather than having
to build a custom kernel. I took a look at the
Xorg stuff and it was enough different that I
was not sure where to begin.


--2010-12-19 16:21:20-- http://dev.laptop.org/~wadeb/wacom.ko 
Resolving dev.laptop.org...
Connecting to dev.laptop.org <http://dev.laptop.org>||:80... 
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 214387 (209K) [text/plain]
Saving to: 
100%[=======================================================>] 214,387 188K/s 
in 1.1s

2010-12-19 16:21:21 (188 KB/s) - 
 saved [214387/214387]

Copying Xorg configuration file...
--2010-12-19 16:21:21-- http://dev.laptop.org/~wadeb/xorg-dcon.conf 
Resolving dev.laptop.org...
Connecting to dev.laptop.org <http://dev.laptop.org>||:80... 
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3544 (3.5K) [text/plain]
Saving to: “/etc/X11/xorg-dcon.confâ€
100%[=======================================================>] 3,544 --.-K/s in 

2010-12-19 16:21:21 (1.35 MB/s) - “/etc/X11/xorg-dcon.conf†saved [3544/3544]

Building kernel module dependenies...

WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong 
into /etc/modprobe.d/.
FATAL: Error inserting wacom 
 Invalid module format

Wacom installation complete! Please restart your XO.

On 12/17/2010 10:26 AM, Wade Brainerd wrote:

Hey Chris,

Two things are going wrong:

1) You need internet connectivity to run that script. It downloads the kernel module from 
dev.laptop.org <http://dev.laptop.org> <http://dev.laptop.org>.

2) The script referenced a copy of the wacom.ko from Paul Firth's home 
directory, but it's not there any more. I updated the script to reference a 
copy in my home directory.

So, please grab the updated script and try again:


I'm hoping that the kernel module will be compatible. If not, we may need to 
build it from source for os852.


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Chris Marshall <c...@alum.mit.edu <mailto:c...@alum.mit.edu> 
<mailto:c...@alum.mit.edu <mailto:c...@alum.mit.edu>>> wrote:

Here it is...it seems like the current script fetches
the old wacom.ko. I'm not sure a kernel module would
work across different versions of the kernel.


Copying and installing Wacom kernel module...
--2010-12-16 23:33:47-- http://dev.laptop.org/~pgf/wacom.ko 
Resolving dev.laptop.org... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address “dev.laptop.org <http://dev.laptop.org> 

Copying Xorg configuration file...
--2010-12-16 23:33:47-- http://dev.laptop.org/~wadeb/xorg-dcon.conf 
Resolving dev.laptop.org... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address “dev.laptop.org <http://dev.laptop.org> 

Building kernel module dependenies...
WARNING: Module 
 is not an elf object
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong 
into /etc/modprobe.d/.
FATAL: Module wacom not found.
Wacom installation complete! Please restart your XO.

On 12/6/2010 5:16 PM, Wade Brainerd wrote:

Hey Chris,

I just saw this email. Can you tell me what

> the error message you got was? I haven't
> installed os852 on my XO-1 but I might be
> able to diagnose it by the error message.


On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:10 PM, chm <devel.chm...@gmail.com <mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com> 
<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com <mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>> <mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com 
<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com> <mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com <mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:

I've been delighted to see the
user-driven development for the
XO-1 starting to pay off (e.g.,
now there is a unified XO-1 and
XO-1.5 release).

However, I have not been able to
get the Wacom Bamboo tablet working
with 10.1.2/xo-1 (a.k.a. os852).
The previous install script doesn't
work and I can't figure out what
needs to change to get things to

Any help would be appreciated
since my nieces really liked
the Colors! activity using the
Wacom and have not been able to
use it since the OS upgrade
which is so much better that
I thought the tradeoff was
worth it.

Thanks much,
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