On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:34:34PM -0500, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 17:11 -0500, Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero wrote: 
> >         
> >         I can't. I think every maintainer must do the change. 
> > 
> > Right every maintainer has to make that change in ASLO. 
> Aren't you an aslo admin? You can change any activity.

Imho, thats the job for activity authors (to see what sugar version is
compatible with his activity). Another thing is that there is no way to
say "sugar >= 0.86" on ASLO and uploaders need to add any new sugar
version after it appeared.

In dextrose we already have the code that relies on activity.info spec
for sugar dep version, not to ASLO info. In my mind, thats the best way
to go (and after that many activities switched to activity.info, we can
remove sugar versions from ASLO at all). Btw, I guess most of
not-all-sugars activities are Fructose, in time w/ switching to the new
ASLO[1], we can review all activities and maybe do not implement sugar
versions in new ASLO.

> For the record, the current aslo admins are:
> Tomeu Vizoso
> Wade Brainerd
> Simon Schampijer
> Mick Weiss
> Gary Martin
> david farning
> Walter Bender
> Sebastian Dziallas
> Rafael Ortiz
> Aleksey Lim
> Pablo Flores
> Bernie Innocenti
> josh  [j...@tucson-labs.com]
> Thomas Gilliard
> Stefan Unterhauser
> Anish Mangal
> Sascha Silbe
> The activity editors are:
> Tomeu Vizoso
> Simon Schampijer
> Gary Martin
> Sebastian Dziallas
> Luke Faraone
> Rafael Ortiz
> James Simmons
> Aleksey Lim
> Activity Team
> We should probably cleanup both lists from people who are no longer
> actively working on ASLO.

I think, would be better to do that on explicit requests from these

> As always, if anyone would like to help us maintaining ASLO or any other
> service provided by Sugar Labs, just let one of the Infrastructure Team
> members know. We "hire" volunteers after a short interview to ensure
> that they have the necessary technical skills and they intend to take
> the job seriously. Of course, when you run out of free time you can step
> down (responsibly!) from your role.

Also, in my mind, ASLO is primarily a doer/user tool, so ASLO editors
should not change existed uploads in the way they think is needed. They
can remove existed activities if activities don't follow Editors policy[2]
(or don not accept them to public). On other hand, when people (especially
deployments) need the handle to say what activity version work in
particular env., they can create collections and specify particular
activity versions. This feature is accessible on activities-testing.sl.o
and will be moved to production in time w/ dextrose-2 (that will contain
new microformat updater).

[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Platform_Team/Roadmap
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activity_Library/Editors/Policy

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