/>Samuel Greenfeld wrote:
>However, be aware that there is another brand of touchpad
The problem of this mail is about the XO 1.0 after 2009 that has the new touchpad <http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2102/3875947119_740ff46585.jpg>that works.

I Think that here in Uruguay the Touchpad that have some problems with the tap-to-click is the touchpad on the XO 1.5, that are BLUE, for high schools,. Those blue XO have the tap-to-click disabled , but is not a big issue, because those Blue XO came for the first time without the the tap-to-click, so we don't have complaints about that.


But it is a different problem with the XO 1.0 , that has the tap-to-click working until last month, when the new SUgar came.

With the new Sugar version (0.88 for the XO 1.0) the TAp-to-click don't works any more, so the people know that it has been disabled in some way.


On the older touchpad (the one that has three squares) <http://www.ilovemyxo.com/product/xo-replacement-touchpad.html> the tap-to-click never worked , but the older touchpad never had the tap-to-click, so we don't have complaints about that.

Paolo Benini
Sugar-devel mailing list

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