On 06/07/2011 09:19 PM, Sascha Silbe wrote:
Excerpts from Simon Schampijer's message of Tue May 31 19:39:25 +0200 2011:
+class PrivateInvite(BaseInvite):
+ def join(self):
+ if bundle is None:
+ self._call_handle_with()
Did you post the wrong patch? In your previous mail you said you removed
the dead code block in PrivateInvite.join().
Yes, was the wrong patch, sorry. This is how it looks like now:
+class PrivateInvite(BaseInvite):
+ def __init__(self, dispatch_operation_path, handle, handler,
+ private_channel):
+ BaseInvite.__init__(self, dispatch_operation_path, handle, handler)
+ self._private_channel = private_channel
+ def get_color(self):
+ client = gconf.client_get_default()
+ return XoColor(client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/user/color'))
+ def join(self):
+ logging.error('PrivateInvite.join handler %r', self._handler)
+ registry = bundleregistry.get_registry()
+ bundle = registry.get_bundle(self._handler)
+ bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+ bus.add_signal_receiver(self._name_owner_changed_cb,
+ 'NameOwnerChanged',
+ 'org.freedesktop.DBus',
+ arg0=self._handler)
+ misc.launch(bundle, color=self.get_color(), invited=True,
+ uri=self._private_channel)
Good to go now?
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