On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> It would be possible to make Sugar support both - but I'm not sure how
> feasible that is.

I just spent 30 minutes on this. Starting with Peter's patch from the
Fedora package, I now have it displaying network circles and
connecting to unsecured wifi on NM-0.9.

My opinion is that its not feasible to make Sugar support both.
Already Peter's patch (which is an attempt at a straight port with no
back-compat) is:

 6 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)

and thats incomplete work. To finish it off and wrap it in a load of
if conditions, well, we're talking about a lot of mess.

The move represents a shift in design. Previously, Sugar had to
implement a dbus service which managed network connections. Now
NetworkManager does that for us. The nice  thing about this is that it
allows a vast simplification of code on the Sugar side, but this also
makes supporting both versions even less realistic.

> If we need to choose between one or the other, I think Sugar-0.94
> should support NM-0.9, because I'm now assuming that is the norm. It
> certainly is for Fedora, and Peter suggests that it probably is for
> openSUSE (and any other distro that uses gnome-shell, where NM-0.9 is
> a requirement). Can anyone speak for other distros?

Ubuntu currently ships v0.8, but their next release (Oneric, to be
released in October, and which Sugar-0.94 schedule is indirectly based
around) will have 0.9.

I'm going to continue working on this as moving to NM-0.9 will
immediately kick out a bunch of bugs we have, and it goes hand in hand
with the networking work I am doing in other areas. Whether this makes
0.94 or not depends on community consensus, and whether this work can
be completed and reviewed before the August 15th deadline (already
feels a bit unlikely).

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