Hi Gary and team :)
Here, in SugarCamp Junin, we did a review at the state of the toolbars.
These are ideas to discuss, if you want in the meeting, or start over mail.
We don't know if will be available tomorrow to participate in the Design
Team meeting.

Gonzalo & Manuel

Toolbar Catalog: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Toolbar_Catalog

* Can we move the Next/Previous buttons to the left of the url entry, like
in other browsers,
and may be move the home button to the rigth.

* Replace the "Period" label and the combo, with a RadioMenuButton with
calendar icon.
* Add a Edit button and implement copy/paste.
* Move the transactions buttons to the right of the view button.
* Move the help bar to the bottom of the screen?

* Check activity icon, looks smaller than the others.

* Move the Journal source option in the combo to separated button in the
* Move the language combo to a configuration (spanner) subtoolbar?

* We should standarize rotate buttons in ImageViewer, Paint and FototToon.
* Move fullscreen button at the rigth of Zoom buttons, add a separator and
next the rotate buttons.

* The buttons in the main toollbar should be left aligned (Manu has a

* The icon used in Publish button, is the Keep button icon and should be
by a export icon.

* We can replace the sound icon, by a icon with a plus sign because is a add
sound button.
* We can add another button with to add video, opening the object chooser
filtering video files.
* The play button looks bigger than the other media operations buttons.
* Can we improve the volume control? May be use the same icons than the
frame and a more conventional palette?
Try standarize the icon with other sound activities, like TamTamSuite.

* Replace the export icons with the icons with the journal badge (Manuel
will improve the icons from Write)
* There changesin the toolbar in git, without packaging.
* Need a help button (for example is difficult discover the move of objects
with the right button)
* There are mode buttons in a subtoolbar? May be should be in the main

* There are a separator before the copy button?
* The wrap button is using a left align icon and is not the proper
* The gear button is not correct for the used subtoolbar. In fact, we can
move the two buttons in
the subtooolbar to the main toolbar.
* The log colllector icon should not be the loupe. May be use a export icon.
* Move the wrap button after the separator next to the search controls.

* Move the activity name entry to the main toolbar.
* Move the share button after the activity name entry like in the other

* Replace the lips icon, with the microphone like in Record.

* How can the user save a modification?

* Use the Next/Previous icons like in Browse?
* The index button can use a RadioMenuButton to show the options in the
and avoid use a subtoolbar only to this combo.
* Move the favorite button to the last position.

* May be replace the combos with the icons by RadioMenuButtons?

* Replace the last icon (robot) by the spanner.
* Improve the mode icons?

* The Record button cen be removed, and move the Save to ogg button to the
activity toolbar,
changing the icon to a export sound icon.
* What is the function of the save keyboard button.
* The volumen/tempo button in the configuration subtoolbar can be moved to
the main toolbar.
* The palette in the spanner in the configuration subtoolbar, can be moved
to the spanner
in the main toolbar, then we can remove the subtoolbar and avoid duplicating
the icon.

* The "Mute loops" icon is not very intuitive. Looks like mute speakers
* We should unify the design of the volume/tempo palettes with TamTamEdit:
  no strings, put icons on the left of the Adjustement widgets.
* The collections should be left aligned.

* The rounded clear icon to clear the desktop, should be the rectangular
clear icon, like in Paint

* Use the same style in the tabs as Browse.
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