
I have been running through the open bugs on the Sugar Labs and OLPC bug tracker and found three issues that are regressions to 0.92.

#3091 Filter in neighborhood view: filter does not stay active when an icon has been clicked: For this bug we have a patch and it is under review. It is a minor issue that can be fixed with a future stable update, does not block the release.

#3116 bundlebuilder: 'setup.py build_xo' should build as well the .mo files: The patch has been reviewed and is pushed, will be included in 0.94.

#3135 copy to/from Journal sets read only: this issue has been introduced recently. If we have no fix by tomorrow, I would suggest to revert the commit for now. We should make sure that another patch of a patch series is still working (take a photo in record, rename it, close record, and then open the photo still).

The other area of regressions to older Sugar versions is collaboration. As we have released 0.90 and 0.92 with those regressions I think we should go ahead here as well and try to keep on fixing the regressions in future stable updates, the schedule [1] does take this into account.

We have a good basis of release notes, those need to be updated and polished [2].

Please report if there are any issues that yo have encountered that you think worth blocking the release. When you have XO hardware you can test easily the latest Sugar version in the latest 11.3.0 development build [3].

Otherwise, we will go ahead and release tomorrow as 'scheduled'.


PS: thanks a lot to Daniel Drake for the input on the items above.

[1] http://sugarlabs.org/go/0.94/Roadmap#Schedule
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.94/Notes
[3] http://build.laptop.org/11.3.0/os7/
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