On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:09:58PM +0000, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn wrote:
> Hi,
> today I maked an activity with 5 years old childrens..First, make a "collage" 
> of an airplane...After.. paint it in the TuxPaint activity...
> When I want to make "new" (to select an "pre-existed images", like the 
> airplane) the activityshow the "little clock" for some minutes!
> The childrens, and I, lose the patience... 
> What happend? Is for the type of that images? (there are .png, but there are 
> some .svg)The activity have much time in re-scale or processing it?
> Is important report this like an bug?
> I use an XO 1.0 from Uruguay with Dextrosa (Sugar 0.88.1) 

Unfortunatelly, TuxPaint is not fast on XO (especially on XO-1) while
opening "New" dialog. It tooks some noticeable time even on my Core2 Duo
1.8Ghz machine.

You can file a bug report to upstream

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