Dear all,

the videos from the #2 SugarCamp in Paris are now online:

Thanks to Pierre Varly who edited them and to Kevin and the
local team for the technical support!

Please find below a detailed presentation of each video.


OLPC France presenting the media authoring Sugar activity "A toi de jouer"
at the #2 SugarCamp in Paris

  Florent Pigout, member of OLPC France, has been developing a media
  authoring activity for Sugar.  It lets children easily plays and edit
  small stories. This is still work in progress but the first results are

OLPC France presenting a Sugar activity about Nutrition at the #2 SugarCamp
in Paris

  OLPC France presenting a Sugar activity about Nutrition at the #2 SugarCamp
  in Paris. Stéphanie Nobel has been doing an internship at Danone and worked
  on setting a framework for such a Sugar activity. To be continued.

#2 SugarCamp: a panel about OLPC deployements

  A panel about OLPC deployements at the #2 SugarCamp, featuring Tony
  Anderson (Rwanda), Christoph Derndorfer (Uruguay), Jonathan Ragot
  (Madagascar), Mitchell Seaton (Philippines).

OLPC France and G du coeur presents the OLPC deployment in Nosy Komba at
the #2 SugarCamp

La main à la pâte presenting the Moon activity at #2 SugarCamp

  Pierre Léna was invited to give a talk and present the Moon activity that
  the La main à la pâte team has been working on. This is an activity using
  a telescope for the XO in order to observe the moon and learn basic

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