Hi Alvar,

On 11-11-16 at 06:44am, Alvar Maciel wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:
> > Are you aware that Debian has official Debian packages for Sugar 
> > 0.84?
> Yes I see the packages, but they are obsoletes for being used in the 
> schools. I try to use that packages in my school and we have many 
> problems. Because of this I want to package the 94.1 release :)

Ohh, silly me: I misread the version number in your first post and 
thought your interest was in that old branch of Sugar.

Debian maintains packages for newer branches of Sugar as well. The plan 
currently is to release 0.84, 0.88 and 0.94 with next stable Debian.

> I think that Sugar has to be running in all distribution at least in 
> the last stable release. In that way we can have chances to put Sugar 
> in the schools regards the Distributions that they are running

I wholeheartedly agree.  Someone needs to do it, though. :-)

I work on it for Debian, and your help is dearly appreciated!

You are helping already: Knowing that someone "out there" appreciates 
the Sugar packages and are in need of them kept up-to-date helps me 
prioritize that work over other of my many pet projects in Debian.

(lack of steady updates to Sugar in Debian is an indication that a) I am 
doing most work alone, and b) I feel that noone cares so have poured 
more love in other projects)

> > Would be awesome if you could see the benefit of joining us in 
> > improving those packages distributed globally instead of locally 
> > struggling with jh-build.
> I really want to do it remember that I'm more a teacher that a hacker, 
> I' m not a Debian Developer o any of that role in Debian.

No need for a titles or experience to help, even technically.  Passion 
and curiosity should get you a long way - and some familiarity with 
Debian, obviously, but sounds like you got all of those already :-D

> But I want to use my time to improve Sugar in a way that can be used 
> in our school... so I'm learning how to compile (I can solve all 
> dependencies to compile sugar on Debian and Ubuntu) and now I'm 
> learning how to package (I never do it)


> If you can coach me, I have tree monts to doit.

I'd be delighted to couch you!

I am travelling currently, so expect me to be slow in responding and 
often too distracted to dive deep into problems you may uncover.

If curious, this is my journey: http://wiki.jones.dk/DebianAsia2011

> I create a git repository (remeber i'm new in this too...) 
> https://github.com/alvarmaciel/packg-deb-sugar to begin can I send to 
> you the advances of this work?

Good idea to work separately at first, but please join the Debian team 
and let us continue this discussion not discretely but on the dedicated 
mailinglist - and let's get you quickly in shape to work directly on the 
official Debian packages, to put your efforts into use globally :-)

Please (create an account and) join our team here: 

...and join our mailinglist here: 

...and when ready post to that list and we can take it from there.

If you run into problems, you are quite welcome to contact me directly, 
but generally it is more fruitful to work transparently via our 

Looking forward to work with you,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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