El 17/11/11 13:05, Lucian Branescu escribió:
This email is long overdue.

As you might have noticed, I haven't contributed to Browse/Sugar in a
long time. It was partly frustration with the technologies
(GTK3/introspection migration, I hate you), partly lack of money; but
mostly it was lack of spare time.

I still don't have any more free time to devote to Sugar development
now, so I wanted to let everyone that hasn't already noticed that I
can't be depended on to maintain Browse. Also, I won't be paying much
attention to the mailing list(s).

Sugar was my gateway to real software development and I'd like to
thank everyone that was patient with me and helped me along.

I still like Sugar, and I'm not going anywhere, so if anyone wants to
contact me about anything don't hesitate.

Hey Lucian,

thanks a lot for your work on Browse and your contributions in all the other areas! We will miss them, but there is always a door open to come back at one point...:)

Thanks for letting us know, it is good habit to notify the community as well in those cases,
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